ERES Journals is an Excellent Research in Engineering and Science International journal. ERES Journal is responsible for publishing of journals which are peer reviewed by the eres journals ediors with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community. It aims to promote the integration of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. All submitted manuscript will be reviewed by technical committees of the ERES Journals. The ERES Journals emphasis to explore new horizons of innovation in the field of Engineering and Science. Development and implementation of important research and education initiatives, as well as technical innovation in the pursuit of science will also be considered note-worthy criteria for the promotion. It is the finest peer-reviewed journal publication in the field of engineering and science on the basis of its originality, importance, inter disciplinary interest, accessibility and conclusions.

Frequency: ERES Journal Publishes one volume with 4 issues per year. (Jan - March, April - June, July - Sep, October - December).

Submission Deadlines: There is no deadline for paper submission. Manuscript can be submitted throughtout the year.


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