Author Guidelines

Manuscripts are received from the authors on the basis that all the manuscripts are original unpublished materials and they are not under consideration in another journal for publication. All the manuscripts submitted to ERES Journals will be admitted in the double-blind review process. All the manuscripts will be sent to minimum of two and maximum of four reviewers who are expert in the subject field. Reviewers will send their recommendation along with the reviews to the editorial office. Once all the reviews are in the Editorial board will make the decision on the manuscripts. The decision will be anyone of the following:

Accept with minor revision
Revise and Resubmit

Once the manuscript is accepted for publication the authors will be informed through E-Mail. Authors must transfer the copyright form along with the final version of the manuscript to the editorial office through Online Mode. Once a manuscript is rejected for publication it will not be reconsidered again for publication. Authors are informed not to resubmit the rejected manuscripts.

Plagiarism Checking

ERES Journal will check all the submitted manuscripts against plagiarism. Plagiarism is an offense. If plagiarism is found the manuscript will be rejected at once. If plagiarism issue arises even after publication of the manuscript, the corresponding manuscript will be removed.

Authors can submit their unpublished original articles in any format with the extension .doc or .docx at the time of submission. Maximum number of authors allowed is 6 only. The authors' details such as name, email ids will not be permitted to modify at the later stages of the peer review process. All the accepted manuscripts should be submitted in single column format through the online submission portal with the extension .doc or .docx.

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